PowerHouse™ Funding Available for Short Line Railroads
On February 26, 2015, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) issued PON 2982, the Locomotive Idle Reduction Program. This Grant can provide $25,000 toward the installation of diesel auxiliary power units (APUs) and $10,000 toward the installation of electric shore connection systems (Plug-ins) for any short line railroad in New York state. NYSERDA is accepting applications on a first-come, first-served basis through July 15, 2015. Power Drives’ PowerHouse APU and DWS-120 units are two EPA-Verified Technologies available. Power Drives Inc. manufactures The PowerHouse Idle Reduction Technology to significantly decrease the energy wasted through locomotive idling, saving on fuel consumption. The PowerHouse design heats and circulates water or coolant through the locomotive engine block and cooling system to maintain a temperature of above 100˚, even in the coldest temperatures. Read our blog for customer testimonials.
Now is the time to take advantage of the NYSERDA Program and The PowerHouse for your rail operations. Apply today, call us or visit powerdrives.com or dieselwarming.com to learn more.
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